Healthy Snack Options For The Little Ones - Kids Info Corner

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Thursday, 3 May 2018

Healthy Snack Options For The Little Ones

Is your child a picky eater? Do you get worried when you see your child's lunch box in the evening? Do you keep a check on the nutrition levels on your child's food? Is the child repelled by all the traditional recipes of yours? We are here with a solution. 

School children's are always in search of something new. It is difficult to make them settle for the same food pattern on a daily basis. So we have some colorful and healthy recipes for your little one. Do try them and watch your child not being cranky on the dining table. 

1. Ice Pops


No need to get alarmed at the word ice. Children usually love anything cold and frozen. So, this is a great way to add fruits, vegetables, nuts etc to your little one's diet.
Just blend frozen fruits (berries, bananas, kiwis, or any fruit of your choice) along with little milk- dairy or non-dairy. Pour it into moulds and pop it in the freezer. We are sure these colourful and healthy frozen bites will be eaten up in no time. Be creative while blending the fruits by adding some nutty crunch or coating the outer layer with melted chocolate.

2. Homemade Nut Butter

Peanut butter, hazelnut butter, pistachio butter, almond butter or cashew butter- never ever think of buying them from the store as it contains added preservatives and flavours which are harmful to your tiny tots. But the time you spend to buy them is the time you take to make some at home. Just take a handful of your child's favourite nut, put it in the blender, add some oil (any oil can be used), a pinch of salt and honey as needed. Give it a blend of four-five minutes. Warm and fresh nut butter of your choice is ready. This will definitely get into your child's good book. He/she will love savouring it as it is or as a dip for apples or peaches.

3. Chocolate Dipped Fruits


Yes, you heard me right. Pick any fruit that is boring for your kid (strawberries, kiwis, oranges, bananas and the list of endless fruit varieties), dip fruits in melted chocolate and pop it in the fridge for 20 mins. This will be on top of your child's favourite foods as chocolate makes everything better.

4. Oatmeal Cookies/Pancakes

Getting excited about store bought cookies and flour pancakes??? Wipe them out from your mind as they are loaded with simple sugars which is not a great addition to your kid's fragile body. Instead, try making healthy cookies and pancakes with old-fashioned oats. Old fashioned oats contain fibre and other essential nutrients which makes it a healthy alternative during your child's snack sessions. 

5. Smoothy Yumminess
Who doesn't love colorful, luscious and cold treats? Smoothies can be prepared using any fruits of your choice. Freeze them overnight, add Greek/normal yoghurt and blend it in a mixer. If your child has a sweet tooth, add some organic honey while blending the ingredients. This is the best food you can serve your child with during busy mornings or tired evenings. 

6. Crunchy Roasted Nuts

Munching in between homework or study sessions is a favourite hobby for the naughty bunch. There is a great alternative to store-bought packaged chips during such moments. Make your own roasted nut mix. Peanuts, cashew nuts, almonds, chickpeas, dried green peas, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, anything is a nutrient-packed snack for your kid. Just roast them with your choice of flavours. Serve it alone or mix all of them for a healthy and crunchy snack time with your child.


  1. Kids these days are spoilt for choice when it comes to food. There are too many options available and the over sugary and salty foods gain favour with them quickly. As parents, we cannot allow them to sideline the benefits of eating fruits . Unlike the junk foods, which are empty calories and fat, fruits and vegetables are rich in with vitamins and nutrients.

  2. It is very hard to find a good preschool for children, thanks to your information, it was really helpful that I found Preschools in Slidell LA.


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